
November 10 | Jomy Jose

The Potential Way to Tackle Exam Stress

Preparing for entrance exams is one of the major tasks which faces extreme hecticness for the students. The sole aim is to qualify for the exams. But actual thing happens is due to immense pressure for the students the time consumed to handle the preassure is more than the time students spend for the preparation. How to handle the preassure and anxiety out of the same is a serious case asked by all the students. This article examines the ways in which the students can tackle the issues associated with exam anxiety and academic preassure. The ability to transform one’s mindset is one of the core matter that we need to look while discussing about exam preassure. Firstly the potential learner should identify his/her potential in the area of examination. An awareness about the exam pattern will help the student to develop the idea to prepare for the same. Some ideas that may reduce the exam anxiety & academic preassure will be shared in this blog. Healthy Diet: During exam preparation you have to follow a good and healthy diet with rich nutrients, and minerals. A good meal will save your energy for a longer time. As learning will not end in a short span of time all the students need greater energy. So, make sure that your diet helps you in learning. Check Yourselves: You have to observe yourselves. Because no one else can know or understand you better than yourselves. You have to understand the level of preassure in which you are sitting on, you have to keep the pace of your learning. These will help you to understand your standings. Do not ever try to hold the preassure or anxiety. You have to develop a time for your friends, leisure time, talk to different people and communicate with people. Note your time: Set a timer for your learning hours. This tool will enhance the learning capacity. You may not feel long hours if you are clearing the targets. And don’t get pressurised if you aren’t able to meet the targets. Make sure that you can fix things and work on it. Happy Hours: You have to set a happy hour for you for all the day during the preparation period. It can be any activity, or a dine out, or sleeping. Anything which makes you relaxed from the learning environment can be considered as happy hours. Hectic academic hours has a reward and that is happy hours. You can reward yourself at the end of the exams with a greater plan which motivates you lean more. Communicate: Communicate with the people with whom you are comfortable. You have to share your academic preassure and anxiety. This will make you to have a relaxed environment which boost learning capacity. Feel free while learning. Better the environment, better the results. Anxiety and stress during exams are common. The point is we have to tackle the same using different methods in which we were able to tackle. All the learners should keep one thing in mind. You are preparing for a better thing and prepare in better way. We can do that and no need to get depressed on that. From today, overcome your anxiety, then you can learn with more freedom. All the bery best for your future tests.

November 10 | Jomy Jose

How to SWOT things

How to SWOT things 09:24 AM- November 10 | Jomy Jose Growth is a term that people use in terms of every aspect in our day-to-day life. Growth rate has been increased, growth in agricultural sector, growth in service sector, growth in industries etc. are some of the common quotes that we used to hear in terms of growth. But how growth looks like. How it can be measured.? Usually, there are different parameters to assess the growth. But in this scenario the question is how we expect our students to grow. It’s not about growth rate or growth potential. Here the case is what’s your view or what’s the criteria of growth. How it’s going to work. The expectation may not work in a right way, because we can’t predict the human nature, or it is too hard to understand the pace of present generation. Regarding students as we know, they are learning day-by-day. The technological upgradation that they are availing and their ability to grasp the same is appreciable. This will engage in greater development of nation in the future. But we need to address the serious question about how they expect to grow and how the challenges in their life can be addressed. How can we identify their abilities, how can we understand their talents, skills and most importantly their needs. It is impossible to understand anyone. And people can’t simply analyze about people without knowing people. Students can be known only when you had spoken to them about their life, their emotions their abilities etc. Students will hear you or will share their ambitions or goals only when they feel that you wish for their growth without being judgmental about their life or career. This will make them to open about themselves. If you understand the SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunities & threats) theory, then apply the same. This will make you to have a better understanding about your standings during action.

November 10 | Jomy Jose

Being a Learner

Everyone is a learner who directly or indirectly learn through out their life. Being a learner is not an easy task or to possess the ability to learn is not at all easy. Learner should have the ability to understand what he wishes to learn, have the determination, capability to assess his/her to learn. All these contributes to the characteristics of a good learner. To learn means to seek what he is seeking. To learn what is unknown. Primarily a learner requires a mindset to understand the facts that he is unaware of. That’s the first step to be a good learner. A leaner listen well. He need to listen; he needs to observe; he need to read: he need to think: All these schemes contributes to the comprehensive growth of a learner. A learner need to have the ability to accommodate various experiences during learning process. It is not an easy job to learn something. Mere patience and dedication is a key factor which leads the learner to learn intensively. Continues motivation plays a vital role in holding the learner’s ability to learn beacuse without any kind of motivation no one can survive in anything that he/she wish to accomplish. Learning is not at all studying. Normally people think that learning means studying for something. Learning is a higher perspective than normal studying. Learning means experiencing something new, working on something new, it can be an invention, it can be self-correctness, it can be anything which may produce a result or not. But the process of learning is unique, as it produces an outcome that the learner understands well. The potential to learn is the same which is also different. Every learner is different like we used to say every huma being is unique. Learning is something which happens intentionally for every individual in the way of life. There is no benchmark to identify a good learner or a bad learner. The intense desire to learn is core factor which guides all the learners to learn and that is what we discussed in the beginning. A good learner will seek what he is seeking.